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You have two options for receiving your pay from ΙδΙδΞέ (β€œΙδΙδΞέ”).Μύ Direct Deposit or dashPayroll Card. Complete the form to select how you want to be paid. Click Here for form.Μύ

Questions? ContactΜύΙδΙδΞέ.Payroll@usi.edu

Payroll is issued on the last working day of each month for faculty, adjunct and administrative staff members. Support and student worker personnel are paid bi-weekly on alternate Fridays. When a payday falls on a holiday or weekend, pay will ordinarily be distributed the last working day before the holiday or weekend, except for December’s monthly payroll, which is issued on the last banking business day in December.

Faculty salaries may be paid in 10 or 12 equal monthly payments. If no election is made prior to the beginning of the first academic year, the default pay method will be 10-month. Forms are provided through the Human Resources Department for faculty members to indicate the desired number of monthly payments. Because of IRS regulations, this election should be dated and signed prior to the first working day of the academic year. The elected pay method will continue each academic year unless a change is made. Changes in the payment plan can be processed at the beginning of each academic year if the request is received by the Human Resources Department before the beginning of any fall academic semester.

The Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") has released the updated Withholding Calculator for use by taxpayers in estimating the appropriate withholding for federal income taxes. The Withholding Calculator helps taxpayers estimate advisable adjustments for their Forms W-4 to address the recent changes to the tax code and withholding tables. It reflects, among other things, changes to tax brackets, itemized deductions, child tax credits, and dependent credits, along with the repeal of dependent exemptions.

Although it is advisable for all taxpayers to reexamine the amounts withheld from their paychecks each year, the IRS has identified the following individuals in particular as potentially benefiting from such review:

  • Two-income families
  • People with two or more jobs at the same time or who only work for part of the year
  • People with children who claim credits such as the Child Tax Credit
  • People who itemized deductions
  • People with high incomes and more complex tax returns

The Withholding Calculator asks a taxpayer to estimate his or her income for the year and various tax credits and deductions to which the taxpayer might be entitled for the year. It returns the estimated federal income tax for the taxpayer and provides specific recommendations on how to revise the Form W-4 in order to have an appropriate amount withheld from the taxpayer's paychecks.
The Withholding Calculator and instructions from the IRS for using the Withholding Calculator are availableΜύ.Μύ The updated, Form W-4 can be found .

If you have additional questions about your withholding, consult your tax advisor.

Payroll Staff